Our Products

The only way to do great work is to love what you do
- Steve Jobs



Connect, Discuss and Share with your fellow doctors' community

Medicusmeet is a scientific content network for doctors where they can connect, access, discuss, share, contribute scientific knowledge in building a closely knit doctors community. It is a vibrant interaction platform first of its kind dedicated for doctors community. MedicusMeet is also the best resource for storing case studies, articles and other resources as well as it serves as a channel to notify you about important medical events in your locality. MedicusMeet is also available as an Android and iOS mobile application completing the ecosystem of web and mobile presence.



Make an app for your educational institute and increase revenue through mobile app marketing.

With Tuitionapps you can leverage the power of technology to put your institution in front of your students by building and deploying a cutting edge mobile app in the market for your institution. It is well backed by a responsive web platform, so that you can market your offerings from any device you want. With Tuitionapps, one can easily create the dynamic layouts and frames for the basic about, showcasing, faculty pages as well as advanced social sharing and feedback pages. With Tuitionapps, you can even create objective tests for your students on the go!



The power to quickly create your own professional business mobile application

Meriapp allows you to make business application with the dynamic layouts and facilities like brand focussing, customer feedback, appointment bookings, queries at a single place. This application will help you to easily reachout to your client base. This will thus save your marketing and branding costs and help ease some of your business operations. The mobile application made with meriapp will help you increase your revenue. It will be easy for customers to contact your business, visit your location, check the photo gallery and provide referrals, so that your customer can keep in a constant touch with you helping in engaging your customers with your brand. Irrespective of location, your customers can accesses your information from anywhere in the world. This will help you to keep your customer satisfied. Ultimately, such a mobile application will help in establishing your brand loyalty.



An efficient and user-friendly guard touring system

Patrolme is a revolutionary guard touring system which is designed to keep the watch on security guards deployed in property. This is the best alternative to traditional guard touring systems. It is a cloud based mobile application for keeping a tab on the security during their course of duties and managing their work schedules. Patrol me helps township/building owners in reducing their hardware cost involved as well as it offers them the easy verifications of duty performance by the gurads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The security with patrolme is empowered with the use of QR code system, so that one will never have to only trust their instincts!

A genius who really creates something is
1% inspiration and 99% perspiration!

- A genius soul